Week 5 Reflective domain chart
“Step 1 Review each of the entries you created in your journal one at a time. Which of the five reflective domains are mentioned? Edit each individual entry and use the tagging system to tag it with the reflective domains mentioned. Multiple domain tags can be used for a single entry if the content spans multiple reflective domains” (Falmouth University 2020).
Reflecting on my reflection
The majority of my posts span multiple domain tags, at some point in the future, I will create a visual chart to show the cross over between domains. I was surprised that the ‘Affective domain’ was the least tagged domain, feelings experience and emotions are a huge part of reflective writing and practice. I plan to go back through my posts and reflect on action, considering the ‘Affective domain’ and making an effort to address this imbalance in the future of my reflective writing.
“Step 2 Tally up the number of times each reflective domain tag is used throughout the journal. This data could be visualised in a table or documented in text form. Note this down and acknowledge any imbalances. Which domain is the most dominant in your journal? Which domain needs more consideration in your reflection? Consider how you can address any imbalances in the future” (Falmouth University 2020).
- Dispositional domain – Time management, motivation, general behaviour and discipline
- Affective domain – Feelings, experiences and emotions
- Interpersonal domain – Interacting with others, Verbal/Non-verbal communication, listening negotiating, problem-solving, decision-making and assertiveness
- Cognitive domain – The strengths and weakness of learning
- Procedural domain – Learning by doing and learning by failing
(Falmouth University 2020)
I have organised them by each domain so you can view a visual representation of the blog posts that belong in each domain.
I have also split my blog into The Five Reflective Domains.
Fig 1. Pictorial fraction chart depicting the distribution of the five reflective domains
“Step 3 Review the content in your journal. Acknowledge entries that could be used to help formulate a SMART goal. Identify the highest priority entries and create two or three SMART goals that build on the reflection from the journal entries. Remember, SMART goals must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time bound” (Falmouth University 2020).
- Specific – Continue to participate in the forum and engage in discussion to reflect in the interpersonal domain
- Measurable – Check back on my The Five Reflective Domains chart, my donut chart should show an even spread across the domains
- Attainable– New discussion are posted every week
- Relevant – Reflective posts and interpersonal reflection should improve my practice
- Time-bound – I will check the topics and post a few times a week
- Specific – Consider the affective domain and reflect on my emotions and feelings during my study
- Measurable – Check back on my The Five Reflective Domains chart, my chart should show an even spread across the domains
- Attainable – I will post on my blog at least once a week
- Relevant – Considering the affective domain should improve my reflective practice and aid emotional maturity
- Time-bound – Once a week
- Specific – Creating a diagram to show the cross over of multiple domains
- Measurable – Post the diagram at the end of the module on my blog
- Attainable – I plan to integrate ‘amCharts‘ into my WordPress site to create charts, diagrams and visuals
- Relevant – The diagram will support my understanding of The Five Reflective Domains
- Time-bound – By the end of the module in Week 12 Finale
List of figures
Figure 1. Pie Chart dipicting the distribution of the five reflective domains.
amCharts. Available at: https://www.amcharts.com/ [accessed 21st October 2020].
Falmouth University. 2020. ‘Week 5: Challenge Activity’. Falmouth Flex [online]. Available at: https://flex.falmouth.ac.uk/courses/872/discussion_topics/17745 [accessed 21st October 2020].