Materials Week 10 Agile DevelopmentUser StoriesBuyer personaWeek 11 Real WorksLinkedIn NetworkingCVWeek 12 FinalisePreparation for the next module: Game DevelopmentIdeas for The Final Project: Indie Game Startup Personal Development InDesign an intensive courseInteractive documentsAnimation in PDFsDesign termsDesign practicesSigning up for HTML5 Apps and Games at EdXWatching Hades: Developing Hell (2018)Reading Understanding Comics (2017) Reflect-in-action Please see … Continue reading Sprint Four Reflection
Category: Planning
Planning – to document and planning for SMART goals.
The Agile Manifesto: "We are uncovering better ways of developingsoftware by doing it and helping others do it.Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and toolsWorking software over comprehensive documentationCustomer collaboration over contract negotiationResponding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items … Continue reading Week 10 Agile Development
Networking, conferences and communities of practice that align with my goals in art and animation, creative writing and research. Networking and Conferences As a naturally shy and awkward person, networking and conferences are something that I am still practising. My role at The Open University did involve attending conferences and talks (usually as part of … Continue reading Week 9 Networking, conferences and communities of practice that align with my aspirations and goals
“As long as we have each other, we will never run out of problems” Global Game Jam (2009). The Rapid Ideation 2 theme is "As long as we have each other, we will never run out of problems" (Global Game Jam 2009) followed three randomly generated articles in Wikipedia. I loved this idea along with … Continue reading Week 8 Rapid Ideation 2 (Part One of Two)
Material Week 4 Time ManagementWeek 5 ReflectionThe Five Reflective DomainsWeek 6 Reading WeekRapid Ideation One Personal Development The Open University course 'Succeeding in postgraduate study'Games and Books reviewsDevelop:Brighton Reflect-in-action Please see my blog posts for Sprint 2 for my reflection in-action. Reflect-on-action Cyberpunk 2077 has been in the news lately because CD Projekt Red asked … Continue reading Sprint 2 Reflection
"One of the exciting aspects of a rapid ideation (RI) session is there is often a big reveal in terms of the theme or brief. Even the organisers do not know what the theme is until the start of an event. This is done through the use of random generators, such as Brian Eno’s Oblique … Continue reading Week 4 Rapid Ideation One approach and planning
Thoughts on my Spark Forum post: I signed up to the games jam for Women In Games to participate, but I did not want to pressure myself to finish a game. I wanted to set unrealistic targets, learn ambitiously and see how successful teams approached their games jams. While I planned not to submit a game, I … Continue reading Week 3 Spark forum
While undertaking intensive courses in Photoshop and InDesign, our tutor has not only supported our learning of two highly valuable tools but also best design practices. The course covers terminology in design, design practice and how to use advanced features of Adobe software. Accessibility and design are two essential practices in games development. How to … Continue reading Adobe Creative Cloud – Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects & In-design
Spark Forum: "Think about times when you have needed to channel your own creativity. What did you do to foster this and did it change the way you see things" (Falmouth University 2020)? A blank page or canvas is something I spend a lot of time staring at, and I can find the same difficulty … Continue reading Week 2 What is creativity?
Setting up Once I received my student number, email and information I began right away to research access for free software. Importantly if I want to commercialise a game some software I am accessing will no longer be free, I will be mindful that this may become unaffordable for a small indie games developer like … Continue reading Week 1 A research list