Sprint 3 Reflection


  • Rapid Ideation Two
    • Valuable feedback on my current level of practice and the results of Rapid Ideation
  • Week 7 Version Control
  • Week 8 Research & Ethics
  • Week 9 Communities of practice

Personal Development

  • Photoshop
  • Spine 2D
  • Game Off


Please see my blog posts for Sprint 3 for my reflection in-action.


Balancing Rapid Ideation 2 with the materials and my other responsibilities became a juggling act in Sprint 3. My Kanban board, timetable, and teamwork did slow my progress, and I did not spend as many hours obsessing about my game. The result was a better game! Giving myself breaks, meant I had time to focus on a stronger narrative.
The illustrations, characters and animations could be more polished. This is something I will set myself a goal to improve for the next module, where we will be working on our game over a more extended period of time.


Rapid Ideation 2 inspired my future ambitions, and it’s so exciting to present a small mini-game that demonstrates some of my creative skills. I feel confident entering Games Development, now that I can put together a game. Game jams and rapid ideation used to intimidate me. Now I feel confident to participate in events like The Historically Accurate Game JamGame Off and the big one Ludum Dare. I also have a portfolio of games to show on itch.io at impalpable.itch.io. A portfolio of games is advantageous when looking to team up for game jams and events and applying for work.

Version Control reminded me of the necessity for software for team-working. I’ve become used to working on my own. The week’s materials also led me to consider options other than GitHub like Perforce (which can handle larger files).

Research and ethics will inform my playtesting and research groups for my games. Feedback is vital to game development. You need to know if players are sharing your vision for a fun game. Understanding and using feedback is an undervalued life skill. The comments from Rapid Ideation 2 will inform my future areas of practice and areas of development. The feedback for Rapid Ideation 2 was optimistic, while there are areas for improvement. I feel there is a progression from Rapid Ideation 1 to 2.


  • Specific – Further research into ethics and research for playtesting and beta testing
  • Measurable – Complete a blog post summarising my findings
  • Attainable – I will start at the end of Development practice which should give me more than enough time
  • Relevant – I would like to ask players to test my game one day
  • Time-bound – By the end of the next module Game Development
  • Specific – Polish animations and illustrations for next module Game Development
  • Measurable – My animations and illustrations for my project in Game Development should reflect a finished state
  • Attainable – Both Rapid Ideations have prepared me for the next module and the next module dedicates time to art and animation
  • Relevant – I am interested in improving the quality of my game and the 2D visuals
  • Time-bound – The end of the next module Game Development


Ludum Dare. Available at: https://ldjam.com/ [accessed on 4 December 2020].

Itch.io. Available at: https://itch.io/ [accessed on 4 December 2020].

The Historically Accurate Game Jam. Available at: https://itch.io/jam/historically-accurate [accessed on 4 December 2020].

Game Off 2020. Available at: https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2020 [accessed on 4 December 2020].