Sprint 2 – Rapid Ideation 1

Ludum Dare 55

Summoning Moths with Pico-8 Play at Ludum Dare: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/55/moth-magic Play on Itch: https://sarahdotgames.itch.io/moth-magic Ludum Dare Compo rules: You must work alone, you must make all your own assets, art, sound, music. To begin ideation, I started by sketching pictures of moths. I used Miro to flesh out some ideas for a game. Pico-8 is a…

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Literally, anyone can be a Prime minister: Game Design 1 iGGi

For the game design module, after the first week of workshops, we all grouped together and created analogue games. Literaylly, anyone can be Prime Minister is a satire of the current state of British politics, inspired heavily by Cards Against Humanity. Results from Playtesting: Best Part: “The game was really enjoyable to play with friends…

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Hades of State: Game Development with iGGi Part 2

Hades of State was developed in four days as a technical demonstration of Procedural Content Generation (PCG). You play as a ghost navigating dante’s inferno with nine procedurally generated maps and randomly generated conversations with politicians and mysterious figures. My role was to integrate text taken from twitter, interviews, television and randomised with markovify with…

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This year I was very short on time, so I practised my C# skills with a super quick tree-card fact experience! Trees Card Game Play here https://sarahdotgames.itch.io/tree-cards

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